CCRN's AFG Youth is for ages 13 - 18. We seek to keep building gospel maturity in our youth and help them to grow deeper in their relationships with each other, their leaders, and most importantly, the Lord. It is our prayer that every single youth will not leave how they came – that we are all being transformed through knowing and following Jesus. We’re learning how to do this together in community, and love having other youth come and join us in this journey.

Sunday Services

As a church, we believe it is important for the youth to engage in the broader body of the church by being a part of corporate worship on Sundays. We have a Sunday class every last Sunday of the month for the youth after praise and worship.

Bible Studies

Bible Studies are designed to help the youth grow in their walk with Jesus. We gather together corporately weekly on Wednesdays (7:00pm) to dive deeper into the Word in the main sanctuary.

Get Connected

We have a number of activities, events, and small groups that are designed for the young people, but it’s important for us to understand that these events are not ends in themselves; they are designed to help the youth develop relationships where they can share their lives with one another and to further the specific purpose of helping the young people grow in faith:

  • Weekly Bible Studies - Every Wednesday after praise and worship.

  • Youth Summer Camp - An annual weekend camp trip in August.

Follow us on Instagram @allforgogeneration