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Children’s Ministry

Roots in Christ



Teaching children in developing a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.  RDN serves as a ministry believing in prayer, being taught foundational Bible teachings and kingdom principles.

We value the family worshipping together during worship time in the service.


Our vision for our children’s ministry is to present Christ through the teaching of His Word and for each child to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. To grow in Him and develop an intimate relationship with God through prayer, reading God’s Word, worship and learning to serve Him.


Encourage children to develop a biblical mindset, Christian worldview. Cultivate a love for God’s Word and a habit of reading the Bible consistently.

The Children’s Ministry is divided into Ministries:

Moses Ministry: 
15 months to 3 year olds

David Ministry: 
4 year olds – 1st grade

Daniel Ministry: 
2nd grade - 12 years old


What we Believe

It is our desire to establish a safe and loving environment for your child so they may experience the love of Christ from our teachers caring for them. We believe in ministering to the whole being of each child, body, mind and soul.



We provide a clean, secure and caring environment staffed with loving caregivers & volunteers.


We present a Biblical, age appropriate teaching tailored for each child because we believe each child can learn about God. We pray and worship with our children.


We believe in establishing a structure in our program that encourages them and prepares their hearts to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.


Weekly children’s church


We encourage families to worship together during our services on Sundays at 10:30AM and Wednesdays at 7:00PM.


After worship, the children are guided to the classrooms by our Children's Ministry volunteer staff to participate in bible studies geared for their age. Before service ends, the children will be brought back and dropped off to their parents.


After worship, the children are guided to the classrooms by our Children's Ministry volunteer staff to participate in bible studies geared for their age, which includes bible journaling as well to teach children a creative way to learn more from God's Word. They will be placed in different classroom depending on their age. Before service ends, the children will brought back and dropped off to their parents.

Programs & Events held throughout the year in our Children’s Ministry:

Bible Studies

Bible Journaling (ages 4-12)

VBS – Vacation Bible School.  Each summer children within the church and community ages 3-11 are invited to VBS.  Kids learn the great truths of scripture through Bible lessons, scripture memory, music, crafts, games and drama.

Harvest Festival

Christmas Program

Family nights